About Me

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Slice #4 Marching 4th Offering a Little Help

Offering a Little Help!

Are you a support staff?  I am and if you are I know you know that moment  you walk in a classroom, and the schedule has been changed. A student who arrives promptly on time is late and you call their room and their teachers says, "Soggy Paper" is taking a little longer than I thought!" The teachers looks at the clock and the look of dread comes over their face.   The voice on the phone is panicked. I want you to know it's okay! I understand that a class with 24 young students can quickly go of course on days when special things are taking place or even when the kids are really into whatever is going on in the moment. 

When I ask you, if there is anything I can do for you, I mean it.  I know how overwhelmed and busy you are with report cards, writing prompts, math check-ins, notebooks for everything.  I kinda miss reviewing my own. (Don't smack me :)) If the student is supposed to come see me and you are doing something like "Soggy Paper", if I can come to your room to support you I will.  I can teach reading everywhere, reading is in everything we do.


  1. As someone with 24 3rd graders, many of whom need to get up and leave at various times during the week, I appreciate your post! You must be wonderful to work with, and I am certain the teachers you work with appreciate your understanding and your support.

  2. As someone with 24 3rd graders, many of whom need to get up and leave at various times during the week, I appreciate your post! You must be wonderful to work with, and I am certain the teachers you work with appreciate your understanding and your support.
