I've been tossed into the mix of the tech integration world.
As a classroom teacher I leveraged all of the technology I could find on a daily basis. I learned to new tools, understood curriculum, and combined those to support students with technology projects along with collaborating through the process. Once established we then shared those with our colleagues with processes already in place. I enjoy the mess, being part of team, struggling to find just the right way to teach something. Most of all I enjoy the collaboration with my colleagues. The love for this type of teaching and leveraging of technology landed me out of the classroom. There are so many days that I feel like a fish out of water, or even worse a tiger without stripes.
Where are the teachers who want to collaborate, who want to dream big, who want to engage students in work that stretches them. I know you are out there! Raise your hand, text me, call me, email me even smoke signals will work. Pick me, I want to be part of the team, invite me to the table. Don't wait until you've done all the heavy lifting alone, I can help do the lifting!
Today was one of those days where I wasn't invited to the table. Then asked to support a project just to make sure the computers work. I get it, but I am not the best person for the job, a technician would be a better choice.